Are You Ready for the 9th Grade. . . Again?: A Family’s Guide for Success
High school is a hard proposition for most of our students. High school is also the pinnacle of their education. The problem is that high school is hard. The other problem is that our students are failing. We need to assist them with building a sturdy foundation so that excellence and achievement can prevail.
Join us in changing the results of education through this creative approach for understanding your student, creating an atmosphere of achievement, and building the foundation for a successful education and future.
As We Grow Together: Daily Devotional and Prayer Journal for Expectant Couples
In this devotional, you will investigate who you think you are and discover who will be as a new parent. For those of you thinking: “but I am not a new parent.” I beg to differ. You are a new parent each time you parent. My mother was a different parent to me than she was to my sister. In between children, we grow, change, learn, and decide to be different parents. So you will parent differently. Lastly, you are new to that little one and that little one is new to you. While experience is the best teacher, more of our experiences demand our change.
The Best 40 Days of Your Life: A Journey of Spiritual Renewal
Use these 40 days to purify yourself through His voice, Jesus, scripture and the Holy Spirit, against all that interrupts you from God. Use these 40 days to pick God’s path for your life. God has plans for us that we do not understand or see or feel, yet they are there and God’s will always prevails.
Use these 40 days to return to God—Our Rock, and Our Redeemer!
These are the Best 40 Days of Your Life!
The Blue Print: Poetry for the Soul
The Blue Print forces you to seek answers to unresolved issues, challenges you to move beyond your “box” to reach your heart’s desires. The Blue Print demands the abandonment of the box and its boundaries. The limits can be abandoned for the awesome places the Blue Print shares. The Blue Print provides a source of refuge. It delves into your being and offers you a solution of peace after chasing your fears and insecurities away.
From Two to One: The Notebook for the Christian Couple
Is your marriage the best part of your life? Or the worst? Do you want to share your marriage as an inspiration or do you need to be inspired to remain married? Do you want to quit? Do you want more from your mate? Do you need more time with your mate but that time is not accessible? Do you want more intimacy with your mate? Are you friends with your mate?
If these questions are on your mind, then you will be helped by answering these questions. From Two to One offers you over a hundred questions in order to reach resolve and discover possible issues and solutions to your marriage. We all need to self-reflect and express our feelings, needs and concerns. In this notebook, you will explore the details of your marriage such that you can remember why you love your mate. Further, you can restore the excitement, trust, and zeal in your relationship.
Her Story: the Legacy of her Fight
Every woman has a story. Her story has struggle and pain, love and triumph, trouble and storms, victory and strength. In Her Story: The Legacy of Her Fight, we will share the stories of some special women who have been in a special fight: the fight against breast cancer. Whether they have won or lost or are still fighting or victoriously surviving, they have a special testimony which is found on these pages.
Her Story: The Legacy of Her Fight is a story of a woman, any woman, a woman you know, a woman that could have been you. Join us in the fight! Join us to share her story.
Her Story: the Legacy of her Fight Bible Study
As you study the word of God, consider what you will need to minister to others, even though the fight is yours. The growth you will experience in this study will magnify the influence God has over your life. This study will increase your dependence on God. Please approach this study with intentional desire to reach God in an new, more intimate relationship.
Share your journey with us. In this study, honor God. Consider what God has planned. Allow yourself to get closer to those around you as you study.
Her Story: The Legacy Journal
Every woman has a story. Her story has struggle and pain, love and triumph, trouble and storms, victory and strength. In Her Story: The Legacy of Her Fight “The Legacy Journal” challenges you to consider life with new afflictions. With this challenge in your life, what are you going to do now? What are you considering differently as the result of the discovery of the cancer? What changes now? What do you do next?
These are some of the questions which will deepen your understanding of why your life just changed. These questions cause the discovery of life’s new assignments and legacy establishment. This is a new life with new activities, which will change others and their paths. These new assignments change the definition of what is important.
Her Story: Prayers and Journal
Every woman has a story. Her story has struggle and pain, love and triumph, trouble and storms, victory and strength. In Her Story: The Legacy of Her Fight Prayers and Journal, we will pray about the fight against breast cancer and journal about that fight.
Share your journey with us. You will cry, maybe even wail, laugh, think and imagine. Your deserves prayer. Your prayer is sure to inspire you and encourage you to reach for your wildest dreams! Live a great life now!
Her Story: The Legacy of Her Fight is a story of a woman, any woman, a woman you know, a woman that could have been you. Join us in the fight!
ILY!: I Love You!
The mother daughter pair sees major mountains and valleys. This workbook will share insight through the mother/daughter responses that will facilitate the growth of them both. Be prepared for surprise and excitement, laughter and tears, joy and freedom, wisdom and encouragement.
Don’t be afraid to be transparent. Your courage is required. Your presence is commendable. Your dedication is inspiring. Your perseverance is outstanding.
In Her Own Words: The Notebook for the Christian Woman
Woman, take a stand for yourself! Within these pages, you will grow closer to God. Within these pages are questions which will remind you of who you are: who God designed you to be. Take a stand for yourself so that you can be restored to the woman God designed. You have changed the settings God designed through daily activities and some random adjustments. You can return to God. God will restore your soul and revive your spirit and reset your heart; if you let Him.
In Purple Ink: Poetry for the Spirit
In Purple Ink reminds you of your Center, your Source. Settle down and immerse yourself in these words designed to reconcile your spirit to God’s. This powerful reconciliation reignites the definition of love. This power confirms the covenant relationship which exists between the two of you. God always awaits and eagerly anticipates our return to Him.
Intensive Retreat for Couples
The Intensive Retreat for Couples is designed to revive, restore, and recreate your marriage through your intensive and intentional participation.
Living a Whole Life: Sermons which Prompt, provoke, and provide Life
Living a Whole Life is what God wants for us. This is often treated as optional, however the person who suffers when we opt out of that Whole life is us. We need to seek the wholeness that God provides for us through His word and His Son and His Holy Spirit. God only asks that we seek Him and reach out to Him and share with Him.
God’s word prompts, provokes and provides life. These sermons apply God’s word in real life situations in an immediate manner. These sermons are designed to support us through our storms and our STUFF. As we consider the words which God uses to Prompt, Provoke, and Provide Life, we need to be attentive to those words, we need to be directed toward action by these words, and we need to be overwhelmed by these words.
Love Letters to God from a Teenage Girl
From a former teenager to a teenager, I love you! God loves you more; more than you love yourself. These letters represent the conversations which will grow your knowledge and will assist you in building your faith. The scriptures will assist you in finding answers to the concerns and questions you have. This is the tool to enhance your relationship with God.
Let these words comfort and console you, encourage and bless you, embrace and educate you from a God who created you.
The Measure of a Woman: The Details of Her Soul
How do you measure a woman’s worth? How do you identify her worth? Is it her voice or her career? Is it her clothes or her service? What makes you respect her as a woman? How does she maintain that respect? How do you define a woman?
Woman, how do you define yourself? How do you share your worth? How do you honor your value? How do you share your love? How do you manage your pain? Woman, who do you permit to define you? How do you insure that you do not align yourself to the wrong definition?
The Notebook: For Me, About Me, By Me
For all of these questions, there are answers. These questions are awaiting the answers: your answers to these very important questions about 100 others. These questions investigate your heart, mind and soul for the best of you. These questions require some soul searching to reach a resolve.
Answer these questions in any order but answer them honestly. These are For You, About You, and By You. Please use this time to grow, discover, and decide on some very important details about yourself. This is a great time to decide to change some things about your life, your legacy and your surroundings.
The Notebook for the Christian Teen
You are Christian. God created you. God chose you. God calls for you. God speaks to you. God LOVES you! Ultimately, He has your life planned out. The Notebook just helps you through the journey.
You belong to God. God hears you at your faintest whisper. God is listening to you. I know that you are feeling distant. Use The Notebook to create the conversation around you, starting with your parents. Then your friends. Then your social network. Then the world. Literally. Use The Notebook for your journey.
The Notebook is designed to help you to gain a closer walk with God, address your needs and concerns. Immerse yourself at the deepest level possible.
On This Journey Daily Devotional and Prayer Journal for Young People
On This Journey Daily Devotional for Young People combines scripture, biblically based commentary, inclusive of personal testimony, and prayer designed to equip you as young Christian to make impacting decisions according to God’s word and design; decisions which affect your future.
One Day More Than We Deserve Daily Devotional and Prayer Journal for the Growing Christian
One Day More offers us an opportunity to address our areas of need for growth. This devotional gives us a mechanism to explore areas where we need to understand what God has for us as a provision for our own lives. As a Christian we need to grow. We need to have guidance and leadership only from God to grow the way God designed.
This devotional is designed to develop as Christians, first of all in the area of study. We need to study more. The more we study the more we will want to study. Our Christian growth will stimulate maturity. This maturity leads to more time spent with God in prayer, study and meditation.
Promises, Promises
“What the world needs now is love, sweet love,” popular words from yesterday that we keep singing today. It is the journey of love traveled by the heroine in Onedia N. Gage’s novel that entices us to travel down that same road.
Dr. Antoinette M. Harden, affectionately known to her family, friends, and colleagues as “Toni,” is a well-respected pediatrician, and adorned by many in her community.
Tools for These Times: Timely Sermons in Uncertain Times
Tools for These Times share the word of God through authentic, transparent sermons which are portable and transformational. Tools for These Times is designed to meet your needs and aid in your understanding of who God expects us to be in response to His Sovereignty. The topics held within are prayerfully timely in your life. Moreover, may these words provide you with strength, comfort and understanding for the daily life which faces you, and that same life which you sometimes choose not to face.
Tools for These Times share through scripture, sound doctrine and the fundamental principles God wants us to use to depend on Him daily and live in His unconditional love. Tools for These Times will deepen your relationship with God. We have to use the Tools.
Walking Tall With A Broken Life
If you look at isolated parts of my life, it looks bleak or it looks great. God has blessed me with an awesome life. Although it has not been what I planned, I have been immensely blessed. With prayer, I share this journey. Look forward to challenge, change and charge of your first thoughts. Read with compassion without pity, love without condition, and purpose without judgement.
In this testimonial, Rev. Gage shares with conviction and without excuse. She releases her heart on these pages without fear of being discarded or abandoned. She shares with the intention to move others from their box with intention and intensity.
With an Anointed Voice: The Power of Prayer
With An Anointed Voice: The Power of Prayer addresses the areas of prayer with God calls us to. With An Anointed Voice creates within us a craving to pray, eliminates the anxiety of prayer, instructs on how to pray, and considers the distractions of prayer.
With An Anointed Voice elevates your prayer life to the next level and the level after that, With much anticipation and an open heart, get ready for an explosive prayer life and a praying spirit which will enlighten and stretch, strengthen and protect.
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman’s Journey for a Life Dedicated to God
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman’s Journey for a Life Dedicated to God is a story of a woman you know, and know well. Yielded and submitted is about you; about us! Yielded and Submitted embraces the word of God for our growth and for the strength we need. Yielded and Submitted aligns us to Christ. Yielded and Submitted drives us to Christ. Yielded and Submitted develops us as better Christians and more committed to Christ.
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman’s Journey for a Life Dedicated to God Intimate Study
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman’s Journey for a Life Dedicated to God is a story of a woman you know, and know well. Yielded and submitted is about you; about us! This journal and these prayers will bring you back to her and to God. Engage in these prayers so that we can reach her, the woman whose journey we are examining.
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman’s Journey for a Life Dedicated to God Prayers & Journal
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman’s Journey for a Life Dedicated to God is a story of a woman you know, and know well. Yielded and submitted is about you; about us! This journal and these prayers will bring you back to her and to God. Engage in these prayers so that we can reach her, the woman whose journey we are examining.